TA Grade 2
Conditions of Service: NJC for Local Government Services
Term time only
Point Range: 5-6 plus SNA
To support the ethos of the school and work supportively with the classroom teacher in their responsibility for the development and education of children, including those who have special physical, emotional and educational needs, by utilising detailed knowledge and specialist skills.
Under the direction and control of the classroom teacher or Lead Teaching Assistant:
- Support your teacher and your Lead Teaching Assistant to deliver and organise the learning for pupils in your class including in specialised areas, for example, outdoor learning, swimming and PE.
- Ensure that pupils are supported in their learning and care as needed but also ensuring that their independence and general development is also supported.
- Have an understanding of the curriculum, the assessment framework and the next steps (short and longer term) for each individual pupil.
- Take a collective responsibility to ensure that risks are identified and managed and that the pupils are cared for both in terms of wellbeing and physically by following individual plans and strategies including using the whole school electronic system (CPOMS)
- Support with the location/creation of resources and learning materials including individual resources and materials.
- In liaison with class teacher and Lead Teaching Assistant, assess and record pupils work and progress.
- Use I.C.T to support children’s learning.
- Support communication by using a total communication approach.
- Assist at an appropriate level with the provision of general care and welfare of children including:
- Assistance with the personal care routine, e.g. toilet training, changing of any children, dressing and undressing and feeding
- The changing of soiled clothing including its disposal in an appropriate way;
- Assisting with children’s injuries and, where qualified, administering basic first aid;
- Assisting with the identification and monitoring of children’s general health and welfare in line with the schools safeguarding policies and procedures.
- Take an active interest in your own professional development and seek to develop your knowledge and skills in all required areas but also develop a specialism(s) that match current school priorities.
- You will have responsibility for updating other class records manual handling and hazard risk assessments and other records related to class activities or individual pupils as directed by your class teacher when required.
- You will have responsibility for maintaining and organising classroom equipment and learning materials (including stock control and resourcing/ creation and pupils’ personal equipment).
- To supervise whole classes occasionally during short term absence of teachers and undertake set activities pre planned by the teacher.
To see the full job description please see relevant documents.