Late/Absence Procedures
Fort Royal School is committed to providing a full and efficient educational.
experience to all its pupils. We believe that if pupils are to benefit from education, then good attendance is crucial. As a school we will do all that we can to ensure maximum attendance for all pupils.
We do appreciate that some children will experience significant health issues, which will affect attendance and that these will be monitored and supported closely.
Our school will give a high priority to conveying to parents/carers and pupils the importance of regular and punctual attendance. We recognise that parents/carers have a vital role to play and that there is a need to establish strong home-school links and communication systems that can be used whenever there are concerns about attendance. If there are problems which affect a pupil’s attendance we will investigate, identify, and strive in partnership with parents and pupils to resolve those problems as quickly and efficiently as possible.
School phone-lines open from 7:30AM to report pupil absence. You can use home schoolbooks to inform class of upcoming medical appointments.
Pupils arriving after registration has closed will need to be signed in by parents at the school office on arrival.