At Fort Royal, we believe Maths is an essential part of learning with knowledge and skills from the subject being used in everyday life. Our Maths curriculum is based on the National Curriculum and covers all aspects of Maths which we identify as ‘Early Developmental Skills’, ‘Number’ and ‘Measure’.
Maths learning is clearly differentiated and tailored to the individual needs of pupils’ and is planned and taught sequentially building on prior knowledge and applying knowledge to a variety of contexts. We strive to provide opportunities for all children to take part in problem solving and reasoning in order to deepen children’s mathematical knowledge, fluency and skills.
As well as discrete sessions we also teach Maths across the curriculum, including ICT. We use a range of ICT platforms to support the learning of Maths such as Numbots, TTRockstars, Education City and Purple Mash.
Take a look at our online interventions and activities below...