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Fort Royal Community Primary School

Play • Learn • Laugh • Succeed

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Sensory Library

Welcome to the Sensory Library


Why do we have a sensory library?

During the lockdown in 2020 we realised that not everyone has access to sensory equipment that children use to regulate and engage with during the school day.  Equipment can be expensive to buy and this library helps parents to try something with their child at home and check how it works before they buy.


How has the sensory library been set up?

The Friends of Fort Royal Community Primary School have kindly donated funds to start this library.  Occupational Therapy students from the University of Worcester together with the occupational therapist, assistant headteacher, teaching staff and IT have brought this project together so that it is hopefully easy and accessible for parents to use.


Who can borrow items form the sensory library and how to request items?

If your child attends Fort Royal Primary School then you can arrange to borrow items from this library.  Weighted, pressure and oral motor items will need an Occupational Therapist to agree the loan.  Movement, resistance and vibration items will require an additional risk assessment to be completed on collection of the item from school.


If you would like to borrow items, please email the Sensory library on - sensorylibrary@fortroyal.worcs.sch.uk

Please do not email the school office as they do not run the Sensory Library. Please include your child's full name and class number in order for us to deal with your request. 

How to order from the Sensory Library
