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Fort Royal Community Primary School

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Fort Royal School Mini Bus Fundraising with NCS

A group of students who joined in the N.C.S gov backed scheme to help build skills for work and life, chose Fort Royal School mini bus appeal as their charity to support and raised an incredible £600.00. The 15 strong group from Christopher Whitehead language  college, Nunnery wood high school and Blessed Edward Oldcorne college, organised a car wash, car boot sale, a raffle and music night at the Brunswick Arms and a pub quiz at the Old Greyhound pub. Busking in Worcester to promote their activities and encourage the public to donate. Jess Jones said “it was an amazing experience, we made friends and shared new experiences, we want to thank everyone who supported us donating raffle prizes and the venues for hosting our events“ and Amber Wright whose Mum works at the school said, ” Fort Royals very close to our hearts and we wanted to do something to help so when we were asked which charity we wanted to help it had to be Fort Royal School.


Joining the N.C.S really helped build our confidence, and I will have lots of really good memories from the four weeks we all spent together. “ The School has 230 children with special education and physical needs and is trying to raise £16,000 to provide a new wheelchair accessible mini bus. The Lords Taverners charity is supporting the school and a new mini bus could be on its way in the spring if the school can raise the money to secure the payment. A new mini bus is £61,000 with the Lords Taverners charity making up the difference.


Margaret Jones fundraising manager at the school said “ I was delighted to meet some of the students and be able to say a huge thank you to them for all their hard work in raising the money. This will go towards the mini bus appeal and with pledges and donations so far totalling £7,000 I am Confident we are on our way to reaching our total. I am still hoping there are businesses out there that would like to raise £1,000 to “buy “ a seat through their own fundraising, staff involvement, dress down days etc. Each seat “sold “ would have a small plaque on with the name and logo of the firm.”Any one interested should contact Mrs Jones through the school on Worcester 01905 355525.
