Bertie The Minibus Arrives at Fort Royal
On Friday 28th September, we were presented with the keys from Darryl Davies on behalf of the Lords Taverners for our new minibus called Bertie, named by the children. The Lords Taverners minibus programme has been operating for over 40 years and since the program began, in 1976, over 1,200 adapted minibuses have been donated to special needs Schools and organisations throughout the UK. We raised £28,000, thank you to everyone who has helped with fundraising and sponsored events over the past two years to help make this happen. The total cost of one of these buses is £61,000 and The game fair held at Ragley Hall in July, donated all their car parking donations to the Lords Taverners to help meet the rest of the costs for us. A fantastic achievement by everyone and my sincere thanks. It’s not over yet, however, the second minibus is waiting to be actioned. I have so far had pledges and donations of £8,000, another £8,000 to go! Keep going everyone we are nearly there and next year we can hopefully welcome our second one, I wonder what his or her name will be…