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Fort Royal Community Primary School

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Fundraising Manager

Post Title: Fundraising manager

Reporting to: Headteacher, School Business Manager (SBM)

Salary: Scale 6


Job Purpose

To establish, maintain and deliver an external funding strategy for the School achieved with and through the Friends of Fort Royal charity.

Understanding the collective priorities and objectives of the School the post holder will:

  • Research, plan and apply for grants and other external funding opportunities.
  • Cultivate relationships with a variety of organisations including trusts, grant awarding bodies and others, to further the external funding strategy.
  • Ensure all associated administrative and financial requirements are met for any successful bids.
  • In the medium term seek to recover the costs of the post from successful bids.
  • Be part of the school community engaging and understanding the needs of the pupils and staff.



Principal Contacts

Pupils, Parents/Carers, Headteacher , Senior Leadership team (SLT) and other school staff , Governors, Local authority, contractors, local community.


  • Work with the School staff to understand their collective needs and where external funding may be available to further those.
  • Support and assist parents in maintaining and developing the Friends of Fort Royal (FoFR) and retaining its charitable status.
  • Identify funding opportunities from a variety of sources, maintaining a database of potential sources and where most applicable.
  • Undertake work alongside the school’s strategic partners to consider wider opportunities and/or joint bid opportunities.


To view full job description and person spec please see relevant documents below.
